Friday, December 27, 2024

Now, It’s Really Over

Seeing Red

A Three-Ring Affair

Lonnng Season

Mad Man Rules




I don’t share many commonalities with famous French physician and astrologer Nostradamus aside from my French-Canadian heritage. His predictions were so obtuse that his...


When my wife drags me to our local Hobby Lobby, I experience an avalanche of emotions. Many are too complex to properly communicate during...


The older I get, the more I realize the truth of the maxim “no news is good news.” There is news this week. None...

Getting Defensive

We’re T-minus 25 days until college football kicks off and weekends regain their meaning. It’s easy to be trapped by only talking about the...

Get Served

It’s that time of year. We should be talking about football. What does Frog defensive tackle Ross Blacklock eat for breakfast? What will coach...

Quarterback Chaos?

We have entered summertime sadness. Days are long, the heat unrelenting, and, inevitably, it’s time to schedule classes again. Here is a primer for...

Into the Pigskin Depths

Sonny Cumbie’s unit scored a slovenly 19 points per conference contest last season thanks in large part to turnovers and injuries. Even today, the...


If you are part of the Greatest Generation, a Baby Boomer, or even a Gen-Xer, you grew up with the football. Frogs stormed the...


Check out these super-scientific evaluations of the 2019 Big 12 graduating class. High school and college yearbooks tend to be rubbish and are becoming irrelevant...

Report Cards

The TCU sports report cards have arrived. Grades were determined using a proprietary Buck U taste-in-the-mouth algorithm. Found out who’s at the head of...