Saturday, March 8, 2025

Welcome to the Family

R.I.P., Mary Diane Simons

Santa’s Stages


The Constitution in You



Bursting the Bubble

Here I was, ready to unleash all my spleen at the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition for inviting Russian and Belarusian pianists to compete...

Red Pills

Ever since Pfizer came up with its miracle blue pill in 1998, the pharmaceutical industry has been seeking a “female Viagra” as a holy...

Evan Sent

When the touring production of Dear Evan Hansen reached Bass Hall this past week, I exited the building during the intermission to take the mask...

Holiday Stage Preview

Spare a thought for the live theater professionals in our area, who have had to find other work during this pandemic. After all, there’s...

Elf-Sized Fun for the Family

“Watch out for glitter. It’s everywhere,” I was half-jokingly warned as I stepped onto the set of The Elf on the Shelf’s Magical Holiday...

Escape Room

When P.T. Barnum opened his museum in Lower Manhattan, he noticed that people were staying inside too long for his liking, so he posted...

Knitting Factory

This weekend at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center is the Fifth Annual International Fort Worth Fringe Festival. As part of the event, Elaine...

Home Invasion

Sparked by the L.A. riots following the videotaped police beating of Rodney King and the success of John Singleton’s movie Boyz N the Hood,...

Celebrating Black Excellence

Fort Worth has a long and uneven history of reflecting Black culture through the fine and cultural arts. Jubilee Theatre has been a theatrical...

Love Sucks: Stupid Cupid

The concept behind Amphibian Stage Productions’ Love Sucks is almost as hoary as the concept behind Valentine’s Day itself. One of the comics involved,...