Saturday, March 8, 2025

Welcome to the Family

R.I.P., Mary Diane Simons

Santa’s Stages


The Constitution in You



Rabbit Redux

What a strange play is Harvey, Mary Chase's 1944 Pulitzer Prize winner. It's as dated and syrupy sweet as a fruitcake, yet it also...

Hot Shorts

Depending on how you look at them, Andy Warhol's famous early short films Kiss (1963) and Blow Job (1964) are either cunning scams on...

The Shape of Things

Chalk it up to fate, or astrology, or good genes destined to collide, but it's not surprising that two of Fort Worth's best actors...


Judging by last Sunday's matinee at Theatre Arlington, the arc of the universe bends not just toward justice but also toward farce. What else...


Last Friday night's performance of Twelfth Night proved that Willie's name is still box-office gold. The house was sold out. But were the good...

No Doubt

In Circle Theatre's production of Hail Mary!, an actor tells a joke that sounds like a classic from parochial school circles: During a holiday...

Tone Deaf

With a relatively small collection of scripts to her name, New York playwright Sarah Ruhl has been praised as one of the premier American...

Keyed In

Sometimes the reputation of greatness can be stifling. That's the conclusion you arrive at if you've seen other, frequently staid August Wilson productions and...

Magic Numbers

Jazz lovers and other cultists were likely the only ones to catch last month's fleeting obituary for singer-composer Blossom Dearie, who died at 84....

FWO Measures Up

**ONLINE EXCLUSIVE** It isn't every day that you see and hear a near perfect ensemble in a Rossini opera, especially one of the comedies. Something...