Film Shorts
Anvil! The Story of Anvil (NR) Sacha Gervasi's documentary follows the 1980s Canadian heavy metal band in the present day as they return from...
Film Shorts
The Brothers Bloom (PG-13) The second film by writer-director Rian Johnson (Brick) stars Adrien Brody and Mark Ruffalo as adopted brothers and con artists...
Film Shorts
Angels & Demons (PG-13) Better than The Da Vinci Code at least. Tom Hanks returns with a more sensible haircut for this sequel as...
Film Shorts
OPENING:The Limits of Control (R) Jim Jarmusch's latest film stars Isaach de Bankolé as a criminal who delivers mysterious suitcases to various destinations around...
Film Shorts
Is Anybody There? (PG-13) John Crowley (Intermission, Boy A) directs this drama about a morbid 10-year-old English boy (Bill Milner) who befriends a retired...
Film Shorts
Earth (G) Alastair Fothergill and Mike Linfield's documentary about the impact of global warming on polar bears, humpback whales, cranes, and African elephants. (Opens...
Film Shorts
Crank: High Voltage (R) Jason Statham's character returns from the dead for this sequel as a man who must electrocute himself once every hour...
Film Shorts
The Black Balloon (PG-13) Elissa Down's drama is about an Australian teenager (Rhys Wakefield) who's forced to take care of his autistic brother...
Film Shorts
Alien Trespass (PG) R.W. Goodwin's spoof of 1950s sci-fi flicks stars Eric McCormack as a space alien who crash-lands on Earth and must team...
Film Shorts
OPENING:The Cross: The Arthur Blessitt Story (PG) Matthew Crouch's documentary about a Christian missionary who has walked 38,000 miles around the world with a...