Film Shorts
Bernie (PG-13) Based on a real-life murder case, Richard Linklater’s film stars Jack Black as a small-town Texas mortician who kills a wealthy widow...
Film Shorts
The Raven (R) John Cusack stars in this thriller as Edgar Allan Poe, who’s called on to help solve a string of murders in...
Film Shorts
Marley (PG-13) Not a sequel to Marley & Me, this documentary by Kevin Macdonald (Touching the Void) profiles the life and music of Bob...
Film Shorts
Bully (PG-13) Re-rated after an exhaustive saga with the MPAA, Lee Hirsch’s documentary examines bullying in schools across America. (Opens Friday)
Keyhole (R) The latest...
Film Shorts
American Reunion (R) Jon Hurwitz and Hayden Schlossberg (the Harold and Kumar movies) take over the series, as the whole gang from American Pie...
Film Shorts
Better Than Something: Jay Reatard (NR) Alex Hammond and Ian Markiewicz’ documentary profile of the punk musician. (Opens Friday in Dallas)
Detachment (NR) The first...
Film Shorts
The FP (R) Brandon and Jason Trost’s black comedy is about two rival street gangs who stage lethal turf battles with each other by...
Film Shorts
Delicacy (NR) Audrey Tautou stars in this drama as a French widow hesitating about the romantic interest of a Swedish co-worker (François Damiens). Also...
Film Shorts 3-7-12
John Carter (PG-13) Andrew Stanton (Finding Nemo, WALL-E) directs this live-action adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ John Carter of Mars, about a Civil War veteran (Taylor Kitsch)...
Film Shorts
Deep in the Heart (PG-13) Jon Gries (Napoleon Dynamite) stars in this drama as a recovering alcoholic determined to put his kids through college....