Film Shorts
Drunkboat (R) Bob Meyer’s coming-of-age drama stars Jacob Zachar as a teenager who tries to buy a boat from a con man (John Goodman)...
Film Shorts
Beasts of the Southern Wild (PG-13) The winner of the Grand Jury Prize at this year’s Sundance Film Festival and multiple prizes at Cannes,...
Film Shorts
The Amazing Spider-Man (PG-13) The series re-starts with Andrew Garfield starring as high-school student Peter Parker as he first becomes the superhero and seeks...
Film Shorts
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (R) The year’s best movie title goes to this adaptation of Seth Grahame-Smith’s novel, in which our nation’s 16th president...
Film Shorts
The Girl From the Naked Eye (R) Jason Yee stars in this martial-arts flick as a man who takes revenge when the prostitute he...
Film Shorts
Grand Illusion (NR) A 75th-anniversary re-mastered print of Jean Renoir’s film about two French prisoners (Jean Gabin and Marcel Dalio) during World War I...
Film Shorts
Moonrise Kingdom (PG-13) Wes Anderson’s latest film stars Jared Gilman and Kara Heyward as 12-year-old kids who run off together and spark a massive...
Film Shorts
Chernobyl Diaries (R) Jesse McCartney stars in this horror film as one of six tourists who hire a local tour guide (Dmitri Diatchenko) to...
Film Shorts
Battleship (PG-13) Based on the popular board game, Peter Berg’s thriller is about a fleet of ships dealing with the threat posed by space...
Film Shorts
Bernie (PG-13) Based on a real-life murder case, Richard Linklater’s film stars Jack Black as a small-town Texas mortician who kills a wealthy widow...