Film Shorts
Compliance (R) This film by Craig Zobel (Great World of Sound) is about a mysterious prank caller who induces a fast-food outlet manager (Ann...
Film Shorts
Stolen (R) Nicolas Cage stars in this thriller as a former thief who frantically searches for his kidnapped daughter. Also with Josh Lucas, Malin...
Film Shorts
The Cold Light of Day (PG-13) Henry Cavill stars in this thriller as a young Wall Street trader who must save his family in...
Film Shorts
Cosmopolis (R) David Cronenberg’s adaptation of Don DeLillo’s novel stars Robert Pattinson as a young financier whose world comes apart as he rides in...
Film Shorts
The Last Ride (PG-13) Henry Thomas stars in this drama as country music legend Hank Williams, who in 1952 hires a local teenager (Jesse...
Film Shorts
The Awakening (R) This period horror flick begins promisingly before collapsing into a pile of nonsense. Rebecca Hall stars as a scientific debunker of...
Film Shorts
The Bourne Legacy (PG-13) Jeremy Renner stars as a new secret agent who comes out of the same CIA program as Jason Bourne. Also...
Film Shorts
Ruby Sparks (R) Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris (Little Miss Sunshine) direct this comedy about a struggling novelist (Paul Dano) who magically conjures a...
Film Shorts
The Watch (R) Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, Jonah Hill, and Richard Ayoade star in this comedy as overzealous neighborhood watchmen who are forced to...
Film Shorts
Neil Young Journeys (PG) Jonathan Demme’s concert film of the rock star’s return to Toronto in May 2011. (Opens Friday in Dallas)
The Amazing...