Film Shorts
Hitchcock (PG-13) Anthony Hopkins stars in this biopic about Alfred Hitchcock’s struggles to make Psycho. Also with Helen Mirren, Scarlett Johansson, Danny Huston, Toni...
Film Shorts
Rise of the Guardians (PG) This animated adaptation of William Joyce’s book features Jack Frost, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny...
Film Shorts
A Royal Affair (R) Based on 18th-century Danish history, Nikolaj Arcel’s drama is about a German doctor (Mads Mikkelsen) and an English-born queen (Alicia...
Film Shorts
This Must Be the Place (NR) Sean Penn stars in this dramedy by Paolo Sorrentino (Il Divo) about a retired rock star who returns...
Film Shorts
The Details (R) Jacob Aaron Estes (Mean Creek) writes and directs this black comedy about an unscrupulous doctor (Tobey Maguire) whose marriage and career...
Film Shorts
Beauty Is Embarrassing (NR) Neil Berkeley’s documentary profile of artist Wayne White. (Opens Friday in Dallas)
Blues for Willadean (NR) Del Shores adapts his own...
Film Shorts
Alex Cross (PG-13) Tyler Perry stars in this adaptation of James Patterson’s novel about a homicide cop who confronts a serial killer (Matthew Fox)....
Film Shorts
The Paperboy (R) Lee Daniels (Precious) adapts Pete Dexter’s novel about an investigative reporter (Matthew McConaughey) returning to his Florida hometown to find the...
Film Shorts
Butter (R) Jennifer Garner stars in this political satire as an Iowa woman who expects to finally win her local butter-sculpting competition, only to...
Film Shorts
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (PG-13) Stephen Chbosky adapts his own best-selling novel about a Pittsburgh kid (Logan Lerman) who navigates through his...