Film Shorts
Side Effects (R) Steven Soderbergh’s clever thriller stars Rooney Mara as a suicidal woman whose struggles with depression overwhelm her when her husband (Channing...
Filml Shorts
The Company You Keep (R) Robert Redford directs and stars in this thriller as a former 1960s Weather Underground terrorist who’s forced to run...
Film Shorts
The Place Beyond the Pines (R) This drama written and directed by Derek Cianfrance (Blue Valentine) stars Ryan Gosling as a bank robber on...
Film Shorts
G.I. Joe: Retaliation (PG-13) The sequel to the 2010 action movie has the remnants of the commando force being hunted by their own government...
Film Shorts
On the Road (R) Walter Salles (The Motorcycle Diaries) adapts Jack Kerouac’s novel about a young writer (Sam Riley) who takes a road trip...
Film Shorts
The Call (R) Halle Berry stars in this thriller as a 911 operator who becomes obsessed with stopping a serial killer whom she has...
Film Shorts
Oz the Great and Powerful (PG) Sam Raimi directs this adaptation of L. Frank Baum’s novel, starring James Franco as the man from Kansas...
Film Shorts
A Place at the Table (PG) Kristi Jacobson and Lori Silverbush’s documentary examines the problem of American schoolchildren who don’t have enough food. (Opens...
Film Shorts
Dark Skies (PG-13) This horror film by Scott Stewart (Priest, Legion) is about a suburban family who suspect they’re being targeted by alien abductors....
Film Shorts
The Playroom (NR) This Dallas-filmed drama stars John Hawkes and Molly Parker as alcoholic parents who carry on a night of drinking in their...