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Yes, Maugham
Mark this as one of those coincidences that occasionally pop up within the format of this page.
Both The Painted Veil and The Last...
Family Coup
Four years ago Zhang Yimou made the most expensive film in Chinese history, Hero, with an estimated budget of $30 million.
His latest epic, Curse...
Happily Never After
Chalk up yet another great year for Mexican filmmakers. The closely knit trio of Alfonso Cuarón, Guillermo del Toro, and Alejandro González Iñárritu all...
No Kids Under 18
Two years ago, Alfonso Cuarón directed a luminous adaptation of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and revitalized a movie series that might...
Scent to Death
Since its publication in 1985, Patrick Süskind’s German novel Das Parfum has been hailed as an instant classic.
It was also declared “unfilmable” by...
Top Films of 2006
While it was going on, 2006 didn’t seem to me like that great a year for movies.
Only now, as I look back, do...
Company Man
If you want a big-name actor to play a colorless guy with a hole in his soul, Matt Damon is now officially your man....
Dream Supreme
When Dreamgirls debuted on Broadway in 1981, it won over an entire generation of theatergoers, African-American and not, with songs by Henry Krieger and...
Along Came a Spider
The new big-screen version of Charlotte’s Web moves me to a sentiment that may be a first for me: This movie should have been...
Force of Will
I’ve been watching so many movies lately that maybe my usual defenses are worn down.
The Pursuit of Happyness is the sort of movie...