“Silent House,” Scary Guard
This week’s second “Film” piece is a review of Chris Kentis and Laura Lau’s thriller Silent House, in which rising star Elizabeth Olsen proves...
“Point Break” at 1919
This is interesting: Tonight (Mon Feb 27), 1919 Hemphill will offer a screening of the 1991 action flick Point Break, which is about an FBI...
A Correction
If you're heading out to West Lincoln and the premiere of the Rose Marine Latino Film Festival, you should know that the event is...
Rainbow Lounge Doc Premiere Date Set
Almost two years after we first mentioned it in our pages, the documentary Raid of the Rainbow Lounge will be showing on the big...
DVD Review: “Elite Squad: The Enemy Within”
The other particularly notable film coming out on DVD this week is Elite Squad: The Enemy Within, a Brazilian cop thriller that made my...
DVD Review: “Tiny Furniture”
When Lena Dunham's comedy Tiny Furniture came out in 2010, I recognized it for breakout talent and best movie dialogue that year. The film...
LSIFF Open Call
The Lone Star Film Society is now accepting submissions for its 2012 Lone Star International Film Festival in November. The final deadline for submitting...
“GasLand” Director Arrested!
Quasi-local film news: Josh Fox, the director of GasLand and a former Weekly profilee, was arrested this morning for trying to film a Congressional...
The Token Meryl Streep Oscar Nomination
Had enough of all the wailing and gnashing of teeth that accompanied last Tuesday’s Oscar nominations? Don’t worry, I’m not going to join them,...
“New Jerusalem” at Stage West
This week’s “Stage” page offers an interview with Garret Storms, the actor who landed the meaty role of 17th century Jewish philosopher Baruch Spinoza...