Wednesday, March 12, 2025



“Rear Window” at the Amon Carter

For its “Sunset Cinema” screening 8pm Thur (July 11), the Amon Carter Museum has selected one of the best films ever to watch outside...

More On American Graffiti Star Candy Clark

Candy Clark provided so many interesting quotes for this week’s cover story (“Graffiti Artist,” July 3, 2013) that some were left out for space reasons. For...

Rick Santorum, Local Movie Mogul

North Texas' filmmaking scene got an unlikely addition yesterday, as former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania and unsuccessful presidential candidate Rick Santorum announced he had...

R.I.P., James Gandolfini

When I heard that James Gandolfini passed away yesterday, I didn't think about his performance as Tony Soprano. I thought about a much earlier...

The Modern and The ‘Phibs Present “This House”

Americans like to harumph that they’re sick of the dysfunction in the U.S. Congress –– too many special interests, career ambitions, dubious backroom deals,...

DFW Film Company Does Shakespearean Musical

Interrupting my Cliburn coverage to bring you this local film story: North Texas film production company TradRad Pictures just announced that they're starting work...

Drive-In Culture Returns to North Texas

This Friday night (May 10) is the official opening of the Coyote Drive-In just south of Lagrave Field near downtown Fort Worth. This revival...

Blogging “Django Unchained” (The End Chapters)

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 I mentioned this before, but I'll repeat my SPOILER ALERT: All plot developments are given away in...

R.I.P., Deanna Durbin

I'm interrupting my series of Django Unchained posts to bring you this piece of movie news: The passing of Deanna Durbin at the age...

Blogging “Django Unchained” (Heading to Candyland)

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 I’m thoroughly confused about the spelling of the name of Calvin’s estate. The DVD chapter heading has it “Candieland,”...