Saturday, January 11, 2025



LSFF Report (Day 4)

The festival’s last day began with Blood Brother, Steve Hoover’s documentary about his lifelong best friend Robin “Rocky” Braat, who sold all his possessions...

LSFF Report (Day 3)

As always, Saturday turned out to be the busiest day for the festival. The winner of the Jury Prize at this year’s Cannes Film...

LSFF Report (Day 2)

I should mention that the Lone Star Film Society is starting up a new series called Arthouse FW that will be showing classic films...

LSFF Report (Day 1)

The seventh Lone Star Film Festival opened with the year’s most enthralling documentary, Tim’s Vermeer, which held a packed house — and me as...

Blockbuster Goes Bust

About 20 years ago, Jay Leno joked on The Tonight Show about a mooted idea for a national identity card. "We already have one,"...

Further Thoughts on “12 Years a Slave”

As is so often the case with great films, I had more thoughts about 12 Years a Slave than I could get into my...

Oscar-Nominated Actress Candy Clark Revisits Trimble Tech

Fort Worth's Candy Clark couldn't wait to skip town when she was a teenager in 1965 and freshly graduated from Fort Worth Technical High...

Bonus Film Review: “Short Term 12”

Do not miss Short Term 12 when it plays at the Modern this weekend, for it has the best female lead performance I’ve seen...

Barry Corbin In Indie Flick That Premieres Friday In Southlake

Colorful actor and Handley resident Barry Corbin is among the many Texans featured in Beyond the Farthest Star, an independent film being released on Friday. The...

R.I.P., Stanley Kauffmann

The news on Wednesday of Stanley Kauffmann’s death at age 97 sent me scurrying back to his film criticism. Having previously reviewed theater and...