Friday, February 28, 2025

Film Reviews

Film Reviews

Hot Babes

If you’re expecting Babes to be some ground-breaking, game-changing raunchy comedy about pregnancy, I’m afraid it’s not that. However, it is entirely pleasant, funny,...

Violent Nature: Back Slash

They’re selling In a Violent Nature as a retro 1980s-style horror flick. That’s not quite true, although it does have a bunch of stupid...

Furiosa: Chromeward Bound

I never saw much point in prequels, even though there’s theoretically no reason they can’t work. True, we know that their endpoint has to...

Summer Movie Preview

The conceptual problem with these movie previews is that the summer movie season typically starts at the beginning of May while we run our...

TV Glow: Pink Opaque

Who do we have in the way of trans filmmakers? We’ve had the Wachowski siblings, and now we have Jane Schoenbrun, who’s transfeminine and...

Pretty, Pretty Good Finale

If you’re a long-time HBO viewer, it’s hard not hear the carnivalesque theme to Curb Your Enthusiasm (“Frolic” by composer Luciano Michelini) directly after the...

Fall Guy: Take the Plunge

We don’t appreciate stunt performers enough, and I say that as a guy who will spend an idle five minutes watching movie and TV...

Mars Express: Red Planet Revolt

I wasn’t looking for a French update of Ghost in the Shell, but now that one is playing this weekend at AMC Grapevine Mills,...

Challengers: Love Match

The astronomy guys have this thing called the three-body problem, which you may have heard of lately because it gave its name to a...

Boy Kills World: Don’t Speak

It’s not often that a fictional character sums up the premise of his movie better than I could, but that’s what happens in Boy...