Logan Lucky: Look Who’s Back
First off, Logan Lucky isn’t a sequel to Logan; you won’t find any X-Men here. It is, however, the welcome return to filmmaking by...
Wind River: Blood Snow Angel
Fort Worth product Taylor Sheridan has been one of Hollywood’s most sought-after screenwriters, and this week his directing debut, Wind River, expands to theaters...
A Taxi Driver: Korea Cab
If it's August, it must be time for Korean movies. While Hollywood takes its annual breather between the summer blockbusters and the fall prestige...
Detroit: White Lies
Kathryn Bigelow ran into trouble during her last film, Zero Dark Thirty, as critics like me felt like it advocated the usefulness of torture,...
Atomic Blonde: Too Many Walls
Why didn't they try this before? Charlize Theron first came to attention back in 1996 with her small role in 2 Days in the...
A Ghost Story: This House Is Empty Now
Last week in this very space, Zack Shlachter wrote about David Lowery’s latest film and the sexual harassment allegations against its star, Casey Affleck,...
Dunkirk: Death’s a Beach
Maybe I'm just fated to go through life admiring Christopher Nolan's movies more than I like them. Good thing I admire them a hell...
Valerian: Space Races
Like Steven Spielberg, Luc Besson uses the latest in technology to breathe life into the comic books that fired his youthful imagination. His latest...
The Big Sick: Diss Ease
And now I've found the romantic comedy of the summer and perhaps the year. Nice to have that squared away. Kumail Nanjiani, the Pakistani-American...
Spider-Man: Peter’s Friends
I didn’t have much hopes for Spider-Man: Homecoming. This is the sixth film and the second reboot of the series in 15 years, and...