Suburbicon: Housing Plots
What good is any film critic who can't offer a contrary opinion once in a while? The advance word on Suburbicon has been downright...
Professor Marston: Golden Ropes
Sometimes, a high-profile film is followed by a movie on a related subject intended to capitalize on the first movie's expected success. (Remember 12...
Marshall Law
When black Americans were wrongly imprisoned in the 1930s and ’40s, there was one phrase that would give them hope they might get justice:...
Blade Runner 2049: One of Us
The original Blade Runner was a box-office flop when it came out in 1981. Sometimes this gets forgotten about movies that acquire the reputation...
Battle of the Sexes: King of the Court
No, no, no! It wasn’t supposed to be this way! The first woman presidential candidate was supposed to handily beat an unqualified sexist loudmouth...
Lady Macbeth: Yet Here’s a Spot
One reason behind the Samuel L. Jackson-caused scrape this past spring over black British actors portraying African-Americans in American movies is that there’s not...
Oh God, mother! Blood! Blood!
My movie reviews have been in hibernation for a couple of weeks, but mother! is well worth coming out of it for. After all,...
Ingrid Goes West: #madlove
Well, now that "social media influencer" is an actual job title, people who call themselves that are now inviting targets for satire. Ingrid Goes...
Good Time: Red Dye
While us film critics are busy writing up the glittering success that Kristen Stewart has had after the Twilight series (and yes, that includes...
Brigsby Bear: Fanfic
You probably know Kyle Mooney as a cast member on Saturday Night Live, where he plays nerds and needy guys in perfectly capable fashion....