Sunday, September 22, 2024

Film Reviews

Film Reviews

The Lion Bores

OK, I’m trying here. I’m trying really, really hard to see the point of the Lion King remake (beyond the obvious point, which is...


I suppose when I beat the drum for more films with lead actors of Asian descent, I mean something like Stuber, a generic action-comedy...

Far From Home: Swing and a Miss

Spider-Man: Far From Home has a big problem: It cannot let Iron Man go. Before I come out swinging, I love Spider-Man: Homecoming so...

Midsommar: Day Scare

The superbly creepy Midsommar starts, ironically enough, on a bleak winter night. Florence Pugh stars as Dani, an American psych grad student who becomes...

Ophelia: Too Much of Water

Remember Hamlet 2? In that flawed and awesome comedy, an Arizona drama teacher wants so badly for the characters from Shakespeare’s Hamlet to survive...

Yesterday: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!

Inevitably, I came to the Beatles through the movies. I was dimly aware of them in my childhood, but when John Lennon was killed,...

Whistle While You Work

Fort Worth has much to offer the film industry, and Rob Smat took advantage. He shot a large chunk of The Last Whistle here...

Last Black Man: I Left My Heart

Of all the great African-American movies I’ve seen in this decade, The Last Black Man in San Francisco is the hardest to categorize. It’s...

Toy Story 4: Yo Gabby Gabby

I was skeptical heading into Toy Story 4, wondering what the series had left to say. I conveniently forgot how I had the same...

American Woman: Raw Sienna

It must have been in 2003 when I happened to catch a few episodes of a British comedy cop show called Keen Eddie. (I...