Film Shorts
Shutter Island (R) Martin Scorsese's adaptation of Dennis Lehane's novel stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo as U.S. marshals sent to investigate the disappearance...
Film Shorts
The Wolfman (R) Benicio del Toro stars as an American man who becomes a werewolf during a visit to Victorian England to find his...
Film Shorts
An Education (PG-13) This radiant and gently heartbreaking drama is one of 2009's best movies. The Oscar-nominated Carey Mulligan stars as a 16-year-old Londoner...
Film Shorts
La Danse: The Paris Opera Ballet (NR) Documentarian Frederick Wiseman (Titicut Follies, High School) follows the company through one season as it produces seven...
Film Shorts
Legion (R) Paul Bettany stars in this thriller as the Archangel Michael, who descends to Earth to save a group of people in a...
Film Shorts
Black Dynamite (R) Michael Jai White co-writes and stars in this sendup of 1970s blaxploitation flicks as an action hero out to avenge his...
Film Shorts
Leap Year (PG) Amy Adams stars in this romantic comedy as a woman whose plans to follow Irish tradition and propose to her boyfriend...
Film Shorts
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (PG) If the word "squeakquel" is in the title, the movie must be good, right? The animated...
Film Shorts
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (PG) If the word "squeakquel" is in the title, the movie must be good, right? The animated singing...
Film Shorts
Beaches of Agnès (NR) An autobiographical documentary by French New Wave filmmaker Agnès Varda (One Sings, the Other Doesn't) looking back over her long...