Thursday, March 13, 2025

The Show

The Show

The Show

The Show

The Show

The Show

The Show

The Show

“Big in Christian music” must be the new “Big in Japan.” Most of y’all wouldn’t know — ’cause y’all are beer-drinkin’, New York Times-readin’, Satan-worshippin’...

Stella Rose

Stella Rose is the best new grunge band you’ve heard but tough where others are just loud, and spacey where others are just gratuitously...

The Backsliders

Funny how a lot of melodic rockers seem to require an angsty outlet. When he’s not with The Burning Hotels, bassist Coby Queen spends...


Most rock bands develop respect not by fancy book-learnin’ but by playing holes-in-the-wall for peanuts. Then there’s Valhalla, a new local indie-rock three-piece whose members...

The Show

During their acceptance speech two weeks ago for winning best jazz artist in the Fort Worth Weekly Music Awards, the guys from Confusatron acted...

The February Chorus

For a couple of years back in the day, The Aardvark hosted a monthly showcase of some of the best, most long-standing, and most...

Incendiary Boys

From crude, angular, and tough yet imminently accomplished, Incendiary has quickly matured and become less raw, more poppy. The band’s new e.p., Only As...


Music festival season is officially in full swing, especially ’round these parts. This weekend sees not one but two indie festivals, and they’re both...

Fort Worth Weekly Music Awards Showcase ’06

Typically as part of our annual Music Awards, Fort Worth Weekly commandeers a local nightclub for a day and lets some of the nominees...

Rascal Flatts

Back in the ‘90s, the heartthrob mag Jane used to have a regular section called “Cute Band Alert,” a heads-up on the hottest guys...