Monday, March 3, 2025

Return to Sender

Marfa Lights Shine

Court Hoang’s Triptychs

Not Fade Away



Gammacide: Myth or Legend?

Believe it or not, metal in North Texas does not begin and end with Pantera. For one thing, there's, um, Bloodrock. For another, there's...


Let's go out on a limb and say you haven't read this column over the past few weeks. (Inconceivable, I know.) Now let's say...

Valhalla’s ‘Beautiful’ Nudity

HearSay's never claimed to be ahead of the curve. Just about every time I go out, someone says to me, "Dude! Have you heard...

Iggy, Yngwie, and FWWMA’s

If anything, the new Fort Worth-based Stooges cover band that operates under the title of Stoogeaphilia could give a few youngsters 'round these parts...


Before any of y'all call my boy Tahiti a sell-out, let this marinate: There is no such thing as selling out, especially if people...

Litter, Bugs

Y'all are bumming me out - for reals. Two weekends ago at the Aardvark, Calhoun performed along with The Chemistry Set and The February...

Blues on 6th

Contrary to popular opinion, I love the blues, I really do. James Hinkle, Holland K. Smith, Rocky Athas - they're all awesome. Every one...

Wall of Sound-Off

A proud Fort Worthian going on four years now, I can't recall a local music event that's inspired as much chatter as this past...

Modico, May, and Matt

Funny, but when some local musos have a show coming up or are about to release a new c.d., I'm their best friend, which,...

The Cult of Velveeta

Every once in a blue moon, someone tears HearSay away from the local music scene to see a show by a national act. I...