Hey, Man. Is that Freedumb Rock? Well, Turn It Up, Man!
Do you like Christian pop music? If not, I guess you’d better come around to it, because the U.S. Supreme Court’s rulings against both a...
Upsetting’s Life Fire, Spreading Fast
“We’re still a bummer band,” said Charlie Debolt, drummer of area punk band Upsetting. This was early into a brief Zoom call between me...
You Say You Want a Revolution
Before you read any further, remember that these HearSay pieces are all opinion and do not, by de facto, represent the views of this...
Johnny Case: From Other Realms
After moving to Fort Worth 15 years ago, one of my first questions for locals was, “Where I should go to hear the best...
Clearly Acidic
My brain is scrambled right now. I feel like I’ve been zapped by some warbling beam of crimson, deleterious energy, a Discombobulator Ray powered by...
Happy Release Party to The Unlikely Candidates
The Unlikely Candidates are celebrating their debut album with a show that further illustrates how I totally forget how they are a pretty huge band...
R.I.P., 3726 W 6th St
I had a moment a couple weeks ago, standing on that deck in the northeast corner of Lola’s Trailer Park, when I concluded that...
Crazy Town or Crazy Algorithm?
I’m just going to throw this out there: When was the last time you heard “Butterfly” by Crazy Town? The reason I ask is...
ArtsGoggle Is Here
Holy shit, ArtsGoggle is really happening again.
This is the thought I had a few weeks ago when “Competing Downtown Arts Festivals” was a conversational topic...
The Paper Chase
How do you promote a band in 2022? Are Instagram posts enough? Or should you spend time and money printing posters and other stuff that...