Friday, December 27, 2024

Chaos Caucus

Frauditor in Chief



His Trousers Should Have Been Toast

Debbie Russell, who runs the ACLU's Texas hotline for Taser victims, was shocked - no pun intended - to receive an e-mail from TASER...

Will the Water Be Unnaturally Blue?

A dirty wind was blowing in from the west last Saturday, but many of those listening to proposals for Gateway Park flood control at...

They Get Us Coming and Going

Exciting news, folks - Interstate 69, a proposed Texas-to-Michigan road that's part of the Trans-Texas Corridor, may get built even quicker than expected! Well,...

Did He Interview Himself?

Some of you are probably weary of Static continuously lobbing snark grenades at the Fort Worth Star-What-the-Hellagram and tv news crews, but somebody's got...

We Hardly Knew Ye

Texas governors have been buried from the staid old building of the First United Methodist Church in Austin across the street from the Texas...

Free Press on the Block

Surely Fort Worth Weekly publisher Lee Newquist's phone will be ringing any second now with a call from Australia and an offer of millions...

Journalism 101:

Kiss No Butts Rumors that their newspaper might be for sale usually strike fear into the hearts of journalists. At the Fort Worth Business...

Bucking the Old Guard

Is Fort Worth City Council getting the big cullions to go up against the old-money, Westside, trust-fund caretakers? Well no, not usually, but two...

Clueless in Cowtown

A tip of Static's dented cowboy hat to The Dallas Morning News for its recent series of articles revealing DynCorp's corrupt and downright creepy...

A Prairie Mis-Fire

Nobody can accuse Jarid Manos of dreaming small. When he and his Great Plains Restoration Council found out about the 2,000 acres of prairie near...