Thursday, January 30, 2025

Chaos Caucus

Frauditor in Chief



First and Last Words

Let the honeymoon begin: Betsy Price takes over as Fort Worth mayor in a few weeks, and she’s made a point of telling people...

Hoist By Their Own Arguments

A Texas oil-and-gas lawyer who probably figured he was using a crafty defense technique during a recent deposition may have shot his whole industry...

Ethics for Me and You

It seemed insignificant on the surface, just 11 little words on a piece of paper. But the sheesh hit the fan after Fort Worth...

Price Swerves Into Lane

That nice, friendly mayoral runoff might get frisky after all. Jim Lane is casting Betsy Price as a ’fraidy-cat who won’t debate him. She...

Breaking News: Lege Does Good

It’s like one of those heartwarming scenes from a disaster: Firemen saving a baby from the burning building. Volunteers pulling survivors from the tornado’s...

There Was an Election?

Fort Worth is apparently in tip-top shape, hunky-dory, no problema. Only one in 10 voters bothered to cast a ballot in last week’s mayoral...

Downwinders Spread Wings

The group that made its name fighting against the toxic muck spewed from Midlothian cements kilns is now climbing into the ring with natural...

Clear as Mud

In what can only mean more grief for Fort Worth schools superintendent Melody Johnson, a Texas Education Agency audit report released last week concluded...

Everywhere, Signs

Some townsfolk are accusing mayoral candidate Jim Lane of cattle rustling. They say he lassoed Molly the longhorn, Cowtown’s mascot, and lifted her distinctive...

The Fest in Flower

A unique Fort Worth festival was in danger of going belly up just a few months ago when Fort Worth Weekly published “Prairie Fest...