Friday, January 31, 2025

Chaos Caucus

Frauditor in Chief



Say Neigh to Equine Suffering

There was a time in Texas when horses meant the difference between life and death for people. Horses carried riders, pulled plows, and hauled...

Stop Digging

When staffers proposed three years ago that the city build a $30 million, 1,100-space parking garage near the Will Rogers Memorial Center, they emphasized...

Revolving Door

 Weekly staff writer Jeff Prince recently blogged about the Fort Worth Star-Telegram’s head-in-sand reporting style on Tarrant County courtroom issues, specifically pointing out puff...

Weep No More, My Ladies

Staff writer Jeff Prince’s recent Blotch post regarding a local judge (“FW Star-Telegram Is The Spin Doctor,” July 25) made the Fort Worth Weekly...

PETA’s Deep Pockets

Jesus surely loved a good fish sandwich despite the fact that tartar sauce wasn’t invented until years later. Mr. Loaves and Fishes himself once...

Gloat? Us?

“Blown away” is a pretty good description of how Static’s colleagues at Fort Worth Weekly feel about the rag’s showing in a couple of...

Closer to Reality?

City Hall is already looking different under the leadership of Fort Worth’s new mayor. Betsy Price ran this week’s city council meetings in the...

What’s a Little Hate Among Friends?

Gov. Rick Perry is promoting a prayer assembly on Aug. 6 at Reliant Stadium in Houston. How commendable! And pious! Just tell Static where...

Tomorrow and Tomorrow …

A long time ago, cities used to send trucks rolling down neighborhood streets, spraying mosquito repellent into the air. Kids couldn’t resist the urge...

All the News Money Can Buy

This week’s cover story examines the embattled newspaper industry and ponders whether two things — paywalls and iPads — might save the day. Most...