The Music Man Makes Another Sale
Well, here we are in River City, folks. Don’t mind those little quakes — that’s just the Earth’s way of showing how much it...
Divisive Diversity
John Peter Smith Health Network officials didn’t take kindly to being characterized as ho-hum on minority hiring (“JPS Under Microscope,” Nov. 13, 2013).
“JPS …...
An Impressive Record
TransCanada, the Canadian energy giant running the Keystone XL pipeline from Oklahoma to Port Arthur, has impressed Static several times over the last few...
This Promise Unbroken
Last month, Static told you about how the long-running play The Promise was in danger of being shut down after 25 years. Somervell County...
JPS Under Microscope
Some local business owners are saying that JPS Health Network doesn’t want to work with minority-owned businesses.
“JPS spends millions of dollars monthly on all...
Conserving Compassion
Back in the 1990s when George W. Bush was governor, he made “faith-based initiatives” and “compassionate conservatism” his buzzwords for welfare reform. The buzzwords...
Cruzifying Keystone Facts
Bless his heart, Ted Cruz didn’t get the memo. Again.
That would be the memo — the extensive reporting, in fact — shooting holes in...
Voter Up
Static loves the smell of democracy in the morning. On Nov. 5, Texas will be holding elections on nine proposed constitutional amendments. For the...
Resurrecting The Promise
The musical Cats ran for 18 years on Broadway (1982 to 2000), but that’s kitty litter compared to The Promise, now in its 25th...
Candy Clark Day
Fort Worth Weekly’s story on Candy Clark (“Graffiti Artist,” July 3, 2013) included a quote from her brother, William, lamenting that the American Graffit...