Sunday, March 9, 2025

Army Legacy

Stronger Together

Cultural Cowardice

Discrimination, Inequality, and Exclusion




Sticking a Toe into Transit Waters

The action a few weeks ago didn’t seem like any kind of bombshell — just a vote by a Fort Worth City Council committee...

Auctioning Off a Dream

Furniture movers were supposed to show up on a recent morning and haul off Lynda Farr Arnold’s remaining possessions, but the guys never arrived....

The Voltage Toll

Deaths in Texas following the use of Tasers by police are continuing to mount — and so are the legal, medical, and citizen-group challenges...

Tree by Chainsaw

Anyone who’s ever had it happen to them knows the pain. You’re at work or out shopping, and you return home to find that...

Evangelizing for the Earth

Look around you, the physician told the group at the Texas Christian University student center. Half of the two dozen or so folks in...

Prison Bound

Ryan Peucker is nobody’s idea of an angel. He started smoking pot as a young teenager living in Joshua and Cleburne, dipped into cocaine...

Paper Chase

The going’s been rough for journalists in the last few years. Daily newspapers that worried about losing readers to network tv discovered that tv...

Collaring Dollars

Fort Worth taxpayers have been digging deep in their pockets for 11 years to pay for crime control above and beyond what’s financed by...

No Soliciting

A Saginaw businessman who police say spent time talking dirty online to someone he thought was a young teenager has been charged with criminal...

Decision: Deported

When he finally returned home, Mahmoud Alafyouny's life fell into a predictable routine. During the days, he held down a job at a North...