Sunday, March 9, 2025

Army Legacy

Stronger Together

Cultural Cowardice

Discrimination, Inequality, and Exclusion




A Cup of Union

In late December, a small group of Starbucks employees blocked the drive-through window at the company's coffee shop at Rosedale Street and 8th Avenue...

The Quality of the Test

Question: When does air quality testing not clear the air? Answer: These days, almost any time that Texas' lead environmental agency is doing the testing...

Payroll Hell

Frances Saperstein is 81 and suffers from Parkinson's disease She taught in the Fort Worth school district for a decade before her illness forced...

Swift Changes

The half-destroyed brick buildings at the top of the rise overlooking the rest of the Fort Worth Stockyards have seen plenty of history. The...

A Federal Case?

Joey Daniel Retana and Elmer Duane McMichael were lovers for about six years. For about three of those years they shared a two-bedroom rental...

Food Bank Phoenix

A local food bank that spiraled downward and finally crashed in 2006 amid scandal and debt is now poised for resurrection. A new board of...

A School for Peace

Military schools have studied the science of war for hundreds if not thousands of years. Serious scholarship on how to stop wars or avoid...

Shift in the Shale

As avenues go, Carter Avenue, on Fort Worth's East Side, is pretty modest. But a lot of North Texas gas drilling activists are hoping...


Fort Worth City Council member Kathleen Hicks believes that her Eastside constituency is under assault from a powerful and virtually unregulated coalition of payday...

School’s Out

A controversial program that forced more than 60 public works inspectors in the city's engineering department to add almost a full load of college...