Thursday, January 2, 2025

FWISD Kowtowing to Christian Nationalists?

Smells Like Corporate Spirit

Torchy’s Workers Outspoken Against Hate

What’s Going on at TCC?



Shock and Awe

To the editor: Thank you so much for allowing me to grace the cover of your newspaper ("Weapons of Choice," Dec. 23, 2009). It's...

More Hell to Pay

To the editor: Thank you for reporting on the payroll audit mess at the Fort Worth school district ("Payroll Hell," Jan. 20, 2010). It's...

Over There

To the editor: I want to say thank you for sending me and my unit your weekly issues of Fort Worth Weekly. I'm from...

Snaky Situation

To the editor: Betty Brink's article ("Cash-Trapped," Dec. 9, 2009), about the malignant leeches who prey on others' misfortunes with their pawn and payday...

Payday Blues

To the editor: In her Dec. 9 article "Cash-Trapped," reporter Betty Brink quoted State Sen. Wendy Davis as saying that the payday lending...

Challenging the Big Dogs

To the editor: The Nov. 11 Static column, "What Will it Take?," continues the saga of Taser guns and the dangerous, sometimes lethal ramifications...

Many Turkey Returns

To the editor: The Fort Worth Weekly gave a Turkey Award to the city council for ostensibly funding - in these trying times -...

Come Clean on Campus Crime

To the editor: Regarding your story about Clery Act controversies at Tarleton State University ("A Fine Education," Nov. 11, 2009): Colleges and universities routinely...

Don’t Come Back

To the editor: As usual, Betty Brink and Fort Worth Weekly do not know our community. The same day this story came out ("Falling...

Read with Gloves On

To the editor: Peter Gorman's well-documented article ("Sacrificed to Shale," Oct. 14, 2009) is a jaw-dropping report. You need a pair of asbestos gloves...