Friday, December 20, 2024

FWISD Kowtowing to Christian Nationalists?

Smells Like Corporate Spirit

Torchy’s Workers Outspoken Against Hate

What’s Going on at TCC?



The Right Thing

To the editor: Peter Gorman’s “Ethics: Chipping Away” (Aug. 15, 2012) brought back memories. I was formerly a member of the Ethics Review Committee...

License to Loan

To the editor: The Aug. 1 Metropolis story, “High Interest in the ’Burbs,” about payday loans in the less affluent towns and suburbs, really...

Screwed at the Pump

Editor’s note: Village Voice staffer Pete Kotz, who wrote our July 18 cover story (“Robber Barons at the Pump”), passed along this letter: To the...

Dear Editor

Heart of Gold To the editor: I wanted to say thank you for Andrew McLemore’s story on Nathan and Judy Obregon (“Bait for Cruelty,” May...

No Indifference Here

To the editor: Betty Brink’s April 18 story “Death by Indifference” is appropriately titled. She’s been the consummate crusader for justice for inmates at...
Fort Worth Weekly March 14, 2010

What Ever Happened to Mandy Lane?

In October 2006, Fort Worth Weekly reported the story of how Fort Worth’s Chad Feehan had scored a huge hit. His slasher flick All...

Love to Circles

To the editor: I just got through reading “A New Curve” (Feb. 1, 2012) on the traffic circles. My wife is the one who...

Bloody Monday

To the editor: The Metropolis story “Bloody Monday at JPS” (Oct. 26, 2011) by Peter Gorman is another testament to the economy gone sour....

Good Luck to 1919

To the editor: I enjoyed reading Jimmy Fowler’s story on 1919 Hemphill (“Evolving at 1919,” Oct. 12, 2011). It’s a unique place for music,...

Emperor SRV: New Clothes

To the editor: Regarding Steve Steward’s opinion of Stevie Ray Vaughan  (Last Call, Sept. 21, 2011) Yes, you are entitled to your opinion —...