Monday, January 27, 2025

Bragg’s Rights

Song of Luby’s

2024 Turkey Awards

A New Nostalgia



Water, Water … Where?

The worst drought on record in these parts lasted for much of the 1950s. While city folks were discovering tv and cars with fins,...

Annexing Trouble

Cindy Owens remembers the night in chilling detail. Her daughter had been struck by a car. She’d called an ambulance and waited 45 minutes...

Hotseat for Hicks

The Fort Worth City Council meeting two weeks ago was an important one for Kathleen Hicks. Up for a vote were zoning changes on...

Lost in the Ozone

It didn't come as a big surprise to physician and asthma specialist John Fling that the American Lung Association's 2006 State of the Air...

An Unnatural Disaster

Katrina’s winds shredded through cities and towns like a giant scythe, but the Gulf Coast had seen major hurricane winds before. It wasn’t the...

Rollin’ on the River

The travel and expense policy for the Tarrant Regional Water District is simple. It says that the district will pay for business-related meals only...

Fo’ Shizzle, Pardner

Longhorn cattle amble up and down red brick streets under the watchful eyes of drovers. The world’s largest honkytonk is here. Fake gunslinger shootouts....

Reality Fights

Travis Lutter is lying on his back, “in the guard” as they refer to it in Brazilian jiu jitsu, with one of his students...

Brave New Broadcasting World

So you’ve refused to become a tv addict, glued to the tube for every re-run of The Sopranos or new episode of American Idol....

A Whiff of Payback

Friends and enemies continually circle the political planet of Tom Wilder, a Republican mainstay who recently won his fourth term as Tarrant County district...