When Waxahachie police officers burst into Allen Nelms’ house in the early hours of April 28, they found him in his bedroom.
With weapons drawn...
Diamond in the Mud
Leanna Johnson and her kids had Camp Joy Park all to themselves. Johnson sunned herself on a towel in the grass while her kids...
Pledging Life and Allegiance
As far back as he can remember, Oscar Reyes had wanted to be in the United States military. As a young boy growing up...
The Speaker in Winter
Mornings begin with a trip to his spacious office and compiling a list of things to do. Days are spent knocking things off the...
Shaky Foundation
In Lydia Gonzalez’ house on Fort Worth’s old South Side, leaky pipes rotted the floor under her bathtub, and the whole bathroom had to...
Gay Cure
Near the University of Texas at Arlington, in the shadow of a sprawling church, a small sanctuary occupies a suite in a towering office...
Spencer’s Last Fling
Over lunch at the Star Café in Fort Worth's Stockyards, Spencer Taylor is in one of his moods. He is upbeat and joking with...
Friendly Fire
These days, Donald Buswell’s job is not as exciting or dangerous as it once was. For the past few months, his working hours have...
Peace Work
The three former Peace Corps volunteers were armed with nothing but words and the trust that two warring countries had placed in them.
For two...
Drunk High
Marijuana's musty aroma escapes through the cracked windows of a car that's just pulled up outside a Fort Worth club. On this particular night,...