Saturday, March 1, 2025

Dreaming On

Bragg’s Rights

Song of Luby’s



Vital Signs

Non-classical, non-jazz music — or pop — is too easy to make, and non-classical, non-jazz music is also too easy to consume. This is why music keeps “getting...

Ghosts of Slocum

On July 29 114 years ago, a white-hot rage seized a large number of folks of the Caucasian persuasion in East Texas. It didn’t...

Surrealism and Us

Walking through Surrealism and Us, there’s a part of the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth where the new exhibit and the building tease...

Title IX Fight

Gov. Greg Abbott recently ordered the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to ignore a Biden administration rule that expanded federal sex discrimination protections to include...

Semper Hi-Fi

Jon Ruhl’s debut album might be out now, but his journey to get there started long ago — and reached its apex in 2015. That’s...

Remember the Arellanos

The Fort Worth police reports are long gone, and the two suspects are no longer identified. A routine traffic stop for a defective muffler on...

That’s What I Like About Canton

When I called my mom in late April to wish her a happy birthday and an early Mother’s Day, I asked how she wanted...

Staying Power

While there might not always be the cashola, there’s still always the time for a summer staycation, and in a city like ours — now...

God Taught

Earlier this year, pistol-packing pastor Troy Jackson, a former strategist for the Republican Party of Texas and current candidate for vice chair of the...

Basket Cases

Now that spring is here, it’s time to hit the links. No, not Colonial or Rivercrest. #fancy We’re talking the chain-links. Disc golf around town...