Tuesday, March 25, 2025

100 Years of Painting

Critical Thinking

Lost in Hospitallandia

Budget Wars

2nd Thought

2nd Thought
Trinity River Tubers

Safety First

I finally found the opportunity to visit the Amon Carter Museum of American Art and enjoy Terry Evans’ photographic exhibit, Meet Me at the...

The Meaning of Paris

After French policeman Ahmed Merabet was killed outside the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris last week, his brother Malek said, “My brother was Muslim,...

Goodhair Moves On

Over the 26 years he was Texas agriculture commissioner, John C. White developed a saying: At a political funeral, it’s better to be a...

Frost Bite

Outgoing Republican Gov. Rick Perry’s consistent response to calls to raise the state’s gas tax has truly been, “My way or the highway.” And...

Owning Up

I’ll always love my Great Aunt Flossie. As a youngster, rocking on her front porch in Galveston, I sat enthralled, listening to her yarns...

Republicans, We Hardly Know Ye

I’m curious — what has happened to the Republican Party? After all, these are the people who like to tell Americans they are the...

Terrorism Equation

“We will not be cowed by these sick terrorists,” said British Prime Minister David Cameron after ISIS produced a grisly video of the mass...
What's next for Wendy?

Moving On

The first-ever female ticket for Texas governor and lieutenant governor — Democratic state Sens. Wendy Davis of Fort Worth and Leticia Van de Putte...

Apocalypse by Apathy

The elderly woman stood in her thin robe at the doorway of her modest bungalow, scratching the sores on her arm, a slight tremor...

Goodbye, Fossil Fuels?

“We would like to get to a prototype in five generations,” said Dr. Thomas McGuire, director of the Revolutionary Technology division at Lockheed...