Monday, March 3, 2025

Safety First

Eating Out

Eating Losses

A New-Look Food Hall

Great Heights

Chow, Baby

Chow, Baby
Courtesy Facebook

Thin Praise

Every year Chow, Baby makes the same New Year’s resolution: Get onto The Price is Right. As a kid I always wanted to bid...

That’s Fan Food in the Fort

Every once in a while, the eyes of the world focus on us: that Super Bowl in Arlington not long ago, the Van Cliburn...

Grinch on the Grill

Kids and restaurants often don’t mix well. I’m not talking about the ubiquitous, screeching litters of crumb-crunchers smearing their gooey little hands on the...

Second-Chance Stocking

‘Tis the season of giving, right? That’s why Chow, Baby gave a second shot to a couple of the restaurants I panned over the...

Frost Bites

As I peered into the nearly empty dining room of Steel City Pops (908 Currie St.), a new gourmet ice-pop joint in the West...

What if There Is No Tomorrow?

It feels like I’m in the movie Groundhog Day almost every time I step into an Italian restaurant in this city. There are of...

Gleefully Free of Gluten

Another year, another diet craze that restaurants rush to accommodate. A few years ago the Atkins diet was all the rage. Menus all over...

Too Righteous

People normally just buy a Porsche when they hit a midlife crisis. Maybe that’s not what’s driving Chef Lanny Lancarte, but he has made...

Miracle of the Tweens and Fishes

Two of my dreaded … that is, my beloved nieces, ages 10 and 12, came over to Casa de Chow, Baby for dinner recently....

Happy Trails

Chow, Baby’s pal from Los Angeles came into town for the Lone Star Film Festival and wanted a guided tour of the “real Fort...