Monday, March 10, 2025

Drinking Local: Spring Spirits

Patio Season Regardless

From the Vine to Holly Wine

Brewed Up

Last Call

Last Call

Citizens of the World

When asked about his nationality in Casablanca, Rick Blaine replies, flatly, "I'm a drunkard." So it's no surprise that a ton of bars are...

Oh, Show Me The Way to The Next …

In a recent HearSay column ("The Usual," July 2), we told you about The Usual, a new lounge of sorts opening soon on West...

An Elegy for JJ’s

Three years ago, I was writing a story for this paper on the local gay political scene. Spent a lot of time hanging out...

Old Days

I know I'm in the right place when I play Boz Scaggs on the (non-internet!) juke and the other customers don't sigh at me...

Home Run

There are a million - and by "a million," I mean, two billion - sports bars in the world, and probably half of them...

Alligators in the Mist

Sometimes the wear and tear of having a family of four (plus two pets) makes me wish I were single again. Back in the carefree...

The Circle Can Be Broken

A friend and I got to talking the other day about communities within communities, like how our little universe is basically restricted to the...


Let's get one thing straight: I love dirty bars. And by "dirty," of course, I mean completely devoid of pretense, not "unclean." Y'know, bar-bars...

A Sylvan Retreat

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" said Robert, one of a handful of customers at the Knotty Pine last Monday and a regular. He was there having...

All Bent

Fort Worth's riff-raff was dealt a huge blow a couple of years ago when a handful of swanky clubs opened up downtown. Here we...