Monday, March 10, 2025

Drinking Local: Spring Spirits

Patio Season Regardless

From the Vine to Holly Wine

Brewed Up

Last Call

Last Call

Diving in Keller

Keller is a town of about 45,000 souls located 18 miles north-northeast of downtown Fort Worth. The most direct route there is to brave...

Lady in Waiting

Normally we here at the Weekly like to give a new spot time settle in before we write it up, but the anticipation of...

Lake Life at Shipwrecked

A few hundred miles separate Fort Worth folks from any coast, so we’re forced to rely primarily on man-made or natural bodies of water...

Drinkeries Devoid of TCU Students, a List

When I moved back to Fort Worth after college, my knowledge of the local bar scene, or any local nightlife, was nil. My spirited...

Off the Rails in Grapevine

When a friend suggested we take a ride to downtown Grapevine on the still-new-enough-to-be-novel TexRail train that connects downtown Fort Worth to the airport,...

Barks and Brews

As a kid, I didn’t quite understand people’s obsession with their dogs. Not having grown up with one, my exposure was limited to occasionally...

Still Flying High

This town seems to have an affinity for avian-themed restaurants. From Weekly-favorite Clay Pigeon to the relatively new Branch & Bird, fowl-themed eateries do...

Skinny Cocktails

‘It’s almost summer, which means it’s time to collectively unsheathe our arms and legs and trade in hoodies for T-shirts and shorts. Whether you’re...

Diving In Arlington

I was offered a mission to get out of Fort Worth, and I accepted free spiritedly. But where to spread my diving wings? After...

What’s in a No Name?

As ashamed as I am to admit it — especially as a Fort Worth native — until last week, I had never dined at...