No Overtime for Bikinis
Here’s the thing: I love dive bars and all, but every so often, one’ll give me a case of the willies strong enough to...
Tomcats West: Not a Metal Club
No matter what web site raves over the next Mastodon album, metal rock will always be maligned. I guess that’s probably to be expected...
Water: Lighter than Booze?
My parents live about 90 miles east of the San Francisco Bay Area, and so their summer weather experience is slightly different than that...
Raining at Rick’s
Back in April, I went the wrong way on Alta Mere and ended up at Showgirl Cabaret. That was the first time I’d been...
A Song of Ice and Firewater
Walking home in the wee hours of Sunday morning, I checked the time on my phone. It was 4 a.m. Christ, I said to...
Whose Generation?
I read somewhere that Elmore Leonard goes to diners just to listen to people talk, and that’s the main reason why I don’t feel...
Confederacy of Dunce
Remember Saturday night? Right after dusk when the temperature was only, like, 91 degrees? I was sweating it out behind the patio bar at...
The Blues and Blue Sake
Several of my divorced or divorcing friends report a dramatic drop in their respective moods come Sunday afternoons. Sundays is normally child-transfer day ––...
The Usual Master of Time and Space
If you’ve been to The Chat Room or The Usual, you’re likely familiar with Dave Mayer — he’s the guy with the longish hair,...
A Streetcar Named Perspire
About 9 a.m. last Tuesday, I popped out of a dead sleep with the nagging suspicion that I was already late for something really...