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Night and Day
WED ? 20
The winner of multiple awards as the best documentary film of 2009, The Cove is structured like a thriller, as its crew...
Bienvenue de Belleville
The influence of Django Reinhardt continues to pop up in the most unusual places, like the 2007 video game BioShock, which contained several Reinhardt...
Night and Day
THU ? 14
Symphony Arlington goes all French this evening with performances of Debussy's La Mer and his much lesser-known Clarinet Rhapsody, a piece transcribed...
Mad Lib
Fort Worth is in for a rare treat this Thursday evening. We don't get too many genius-level TV show creators around these parts -...
Night and Day
WED ? 6
The lecture this afternoon at the Kimbell is entitled Private Obsessions and Private Collecting: A Look at Dallas, which doesn't give any...
Women Playing Men
In the early days of opera, certain male roles requiring a falsetto voice were performed by castrato singers. As the castrati disappeared in the...
Night and Day
WED ? 30
We intentionally excluded the Texas Brahmas from the sports-related sidebar on this page because we saved this slot for them. The defending...
Let the Games Begin
In Britain, the tradition is that on Boxing Day (Dec. 26), there's a full slate of sports for people to enjoy: soccer, rugby, cricket,...
Night and Day
WED ? 23
If you loved the Preston Lane/Jonathan Moscone version of A Christmas Carol that Dallas Theater Center used to put on every year,...
On the D.L.
Has anybody noticed that not much improvisational comedy goes on at the Improv? The haven for traditional stand-up comics goes back to 1963, when...