FWSO, Baby!
Fresh from its four-day Mozart marathon last month, the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra begins its regular subscription series Friday with a grab-bag of audience...
Gallery Night Goods
Like most good things, Fall Gallery Night is getting a little too big. There’s so much to see and so many people to fight...
Intelligent Designs
Dancing The Creation of the World sounds like a major undertaking for a small dance company, but Metropolitan Classical Ballet takes up the challenge...
Birthday at the Bass
The Fort Worth Symphony joins the rest of the world in celebrating Mozart’s 250th birthday with a four-day festival beginning tomorrow (Thu) in Bass...
Nights of Cinema
Federico Fellini began his filmmaking career as the Italian movie industry was picking itself up from the ruins of World War II, much like...
Livin’ La Paz Loca
As we’re learning from the Middle East, trying to implant American-style democracy overseas is a much harder job than it looks. For an example...
August in August
In Woody Allen’s 1979 film Manhattan, his character says, “When it comes to relationships with women, I’m the winner of the August Strindberg Award.”
R U Q?
The name of Dallas filmmaker Israel Luna’s new feature is R U Invited?: Five Guys & a Sex Party, and it’s about, well, guess.
Hear the Sirens Singing
We’ve already had a musical version of The Odyssey. Five and a half years ago, the Coen brothers’ O Brother, Where Art Thou? adapted...
Middle East Texas
Most Weekly readers surely know that Texas art is no longer confined to cowboys and bucolic landscapes. Still, most art in local galleries is...