Monkey Wrench
Sometimes you read books that are powerful and evocative in a way you don’t see coming. Stuff that shakes you awake, challenges you, and...
Reconciling the Past
Though the TCU administration embraces diversity, the student population remains predominantly white — 65%, to be precise. School leaders have taken steps in recent years...
Poolside Page-Turners
Since 1947, TCU Press has filled an important niche in the literary world by commissioning and publishing books that the large houses may not...
Confederacy of Suns
How many literary references does it take to screw in a light bulb?
That’s easy. Less than it takes to screw up a book review.
Fall-Ball Reading this Summer
Admittedly, I’d be a terrible book club member. This is posited as a hypothetical because it would never happen. I don’t read long-form books...
A Permanent Criminal Class
American society has become so over-criminalized that, according to the Institute for Policy Studies, the average working adult in this country unintentionally commits an...
We’re for Smoke
Though the title may conjure images of ’60s-era stoners a la Cheech and Chong, nothing could be further from the reality depicted in this...
Gl’urk and Bo
If necessity is the mother of invention, I like to think of boredom as invention’s sketchy uncle or chaotic aunt. Born of having too...
Second Helping
The first thing that intrigued me about Moon Lake was the namesake setting. “Moon Lake” was created by flooding the fictional East Texas town of...
Between Bad and Worse Choices
Jim Sanderson, Lamar University’s resident mystery writer and professor and chair of English and modern languages, as well as past guest speaker at TCU,...