Sunday, March 9, 2025

Fare Play

Fantasy Life

Fall Gallery Night

Flowers ’n’ Sh*t



Nina Chanel Abney’s Presence

Just two blocks away from the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Stuart David’s “In Full Swing” hangs in the lobby gallery of the...

Just Looking: Arnoldo Hurtado’s Artscream

As much as he is a visual artist, Arnoldo Hurtado is also a traveler –– across both place and time, and from tradition to...

Shaping Our Heritage

Landscape architect Lawrence Halprin (1916-2009) had been established in private practice for 20 years in San Francisco when he was invited to Fort Worth...

Social Sculpture

Darryl Ratcliff is an award-winning artist, curator, and writer whose work addresses how cultural activities transform communities. He was the inaugural artist-in-residence at Trans.lation...


What if it were possible to separate colors from nature, drape them on a clothesline, and look at them when they had dried? Ellen...

Western Memories

There are two concurrent exhibitions of photography at Fort Works Art right now. In the street level gallery is Laura Wilson’s Photographs in the...

Life Unplugged

Painter Sam Swihart’s “Cosmetic I,” “II,” and “III” is a grotesque series of black-and-white portraits depicting morbidly disfigured faces. The three male subjects are...

Beautiful Industry

A mural contest by Trinity River Distillery recently drew sharp criticism, largely because the pay is “$1,000 in whiskey.” “How is an artist going to...

Truman Talks: Art

  My name is Truman, and I am an artoholic. I live with art and in its world every day, even though much of what...

Casanova’s Lives

By now you’ve seen promotional material for the Kimbell’s new exhibit — one of several coquettish young women with porcelain skin, painted in soft...