Monday, March 17, 2025



Fort Worth Film Festivals Join Forces

Somewhat buried in the Lone Star International Film Festival's recent announcement of its headlining films is the tidbit that this year, the LSIFF has...

Final Thoughts on Windsor, Barry Corbin, Joe Stevens & Co.

The ol’ notebook is about emptied out, the camera card is picked clean, and my buzz is finally subsiding after visiting the set of...

Sonny Carl Davis on Windsor, Alamo, Evil Bong, Willie Nelson

Sometime back in the early 1990s I stumbled across Last Night at the Alamo (1983), an obscure black-and-white film directed by the tortured Texas...

Quinn Shephard On Windsor, Texas, Twang, Jersey Shore

Texans don’t know what to think of New Yorkers half the time. That TV commercial wasn’t far off the mark, the one where a...

Nick Krause On Hollywood, Austin, George Clooney, Madelyn Deutch

People warned me that watching a movie being shot is like watching sap run down a tree. However, what they described as slow, methodical,...

Frontera Opens in Dallas This Weekend

Earlier this summer, Edward Brown and I co-wrote a feature story about Fort Worth-based actor Julio Cedillo that was pegged to Frontera, in which...

“Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime” at The Modern

Right now we’re in that frustrating transitional phase from summer to fall that Texans know all too well: It’s still hot and humid, but...

Lone Star Film Society Screens “The Lodger”

The Lone Star Film Society is presenting an orgy of great Hitchcock flicks this weekend, and my pick of the litter would be Hitch’s...

R.I.P., Robin Williams

I was at the advance screening of The Giver last night that featured red-carpet interviews with the film's stars, and Jeff Bridges burst into...

Nanu Nanu, Bye Bye Robin Williams

Robin Williams splashed colorfully -- literally -- into pop culture in 1978 as Mork, wearing a bright red alien suit with a silver upside-down...