Monday, September 16, 2024

Film Reviews

Film Reviews

Since My Baby Left Me

If Black Snake Moan is disappointing, that’s largely because it starts out with one of the greatest premises of any movie in recent years....

What’s the Big Idea?

George Bernard Shaw once wrote, “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to...

Pop Corn Movie

My job is difficult this week. I’m here to make a case for Music and Lyrics, a movie that well exceeded my nonexistent expectations. My...

The Way to Wonderland

An unusual number of people have come up to me in the last month or so to tell me how marvelous they found Pan’s...


Anthony Minghella made his name as the director of lush, cosmopolitan, epic literary adaptations with period settings, beginning with The English Patient in 1996...

Sin for Your Supper

The title of The Last Sin Eater refers to a ritual that hails from the British Isles, in which a designated “sin eater” (a...

Army of Shadows

When Mat Hames was growing up in Grand Prairie, he managed to convince his mom one day that he’d been kidnapped. Not amused, she...

Potter Books

Remember last week when I praised Notes on a Scandal as an antidote to what I called “tea-and-crumpets” British cinema? Well, this week we’re...

Off the Island

Clint Eastwood shot Letters From Iwo Jima and Flags of Our Fathers as companion pieces. The latter film came out last October, telling the...

Teacher’s Pet

The tabloids would have you believe that movie stardom is exclusively for young hotties, but take a look at 72-year-old Judi Dench. She spent...