Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wild About Texas

Breeding Success

‘Famous’ Pets

Best Of … Zoo Animals!

Creature Comforts

Creature Comforts

Creature Comforts 2024

We were inside no longer than 45 minutes tops, and when we went back outside, he was gone. Just gone. Miles Gamera enjoyed the playpen...

Creature Comforts 2023

Sad story: I never had a pet growing up. I badly wanted one, a big, fluffy German Shepherd to be exact, but since my...

Night & Day // Creature Comforts 2022

As part of our inaugural animal-friendly edition, please enjoy our curated selection of animal-related events and creature-themed happenings — some by name only, because...

Breeding Success

If you've lived in North Texas for any serious amount of time, you've probably heard of Fossil Rim Wildlife Center. Sitting on 1,800 acres...

Best Of … Zoo Animals!

If you’ve ever wondered if wild animals have personalities, be assured that they do. Having spent many hours observing and photographing them, here are...

Best Family Members

  In honor of the so-called “dog days of summer,” read about the best creature-related events happening in North Texas in Creatures of the Night...


Some of you may remember the story we published about a year ago that featured JJ, the striking male mandrill at the Fort Worth...

Saving Turtle Island

At a Fort Worth pond, I seek turtles. Red-eared sliders and flat gray pancakes of spiny softshells plop into the water when I’m too...

ATE DAY8 7.31 // Doggo Friendly Dining for Restaurant Week

As part of DFW Restaurant Week, which actually happens for a whole month from Thu, Aug 1 to Sun, Sep 1, Tarrant County has...