Friday, September 27, 2024

Random Stuff

Random Stuff

The Amon Carter Screens “Vertigo”

It was never a secret that Alfred Hitchcock had a less than healthy fixation on many of the young, blond, beautiful actresses that he...

Mother’s Day of the Dead

If your mother is anything like my late mom was, the idea of a Mother’s Day Ghost Tour of notorious (alleged) Fort Worth hauntings...

“Gigantabugs!” at the Fort Worth Zoo

Though the Fort Worth Zoo is a popular North Texas destination staffed by many hard-working professionals, I don’t visit very often. I’m no PETA...

Partying with Ed Harris at USA Film Festival

Last Sunday’s screening of Frontera at the 2014 USA Film Festival in Dallas was a candid glimpse into a great film and the world...

Dolores Huerta Speaks at the Rose Marine

With issues like the dissolving middle class, dramatic income disparities, equal pay for women, and living wages for service sector workers now back on...

Rick Perry Goes Donor-, Er, Job-Poaching

With today’s announcement that Rick Perry will return to New York to woo business owners down to Texas, I trust that the governor will...

Strike Takes ArthouseFW to Surreality

Fort Worth is still waiting for its first indie film theater, but that hasn’t stopped groups like the Lone Star Film Society from programming...

Lone Star Film Screens Eisenstein’s “Strike”

If you have no set Easter plans this Sunday, spend your holiday with the Lone Star Film Society, local musician and Theater Fire member...

Tarrant County Live Theatre Awards

You always hear about people sacrificing their lives for their art, but what does that mean? “Sacrifice” might be a strong word, but the...

Super Chix: Make the Gayest Sandwich Ever

This week Arlington will serve as the frontline in a new fast food war: The company that owns KFC will open a new chain...