Larry’s (Art) World
Larry Gagosian is probably why contemporary art is so misunderstood and the art-world establishment loathed by everyone who’s not part of it, all nine...
Schieffer Symposium on the News
With so many news outlets in different media competing for your attention, it’s more important than ever to keep perspective on all the information...
Visionary Awards: What a Blast
First of all, thanks to everyone, all 200-plus of you, who came to Artspace 111 last Thursday night for our inaugural Visionary Awards. And...
Visionary Awards Thu., Mar. 24, at Artspace 111
We at the Fort Worth Weekly are proud to announce our inaugural Visionary Awards to honor and celebrate local artists working in disciplines as...
I’m Your Cap’n, I’m Your Cap’n
I wrung my hands over recent reports that Cap’n Crunch cereal was being phased out by PepsiCo, which is owner of Quaker Oats, the...
Clumsy&Shy Music Blog Does SXSW
Former Fort Worth Weekly intern and freelance writer Marjorie Owens has been running an ultra-hip, ultra-sleek blog, Clumsy&Shy, specializing in avant-garde pop/rock and associated...
A New Definition of “Roving Reporter”
It’s one of those things you thought you’d never actually see, like pigs flying, the Rangers in the...
Wild Wild West U. — Guns on Texas Campuses
Texas college campuses are set to turn into the Wild Wild West if the lege allows students and teachers to carry firearms. Supporters claim...
Super Bowl Post-“Glee” Analysis
I watched the Green Bay Packers' defense come up big and Christina Aguilera flub her lines, but you're not hear to read about that....
R.I.P., Milton Babbitt
It's no surprise that Milton Babbitt passed away over the weekend. The man was, after all, 94 years old. He was also one of...