Local Artist Scores River Phoenix’s Last Movie
James Michael Taylor is not “going Hollywood,” as the old saying goes –– he’s much too cantankerous and outspoken for anyplace other than Fort...
Arts Are Big Business in Fort Worth
On Tuesday, Sept. 18, Fort Worth City Council will vote on a new budget, one that includes a 25 percent cut in funding for...
Tarrant County Never Convicts Innocents… Except Sometimes
Fort Worth, as many local columnists love to say, is so much better than Dallas. We've got bike lanes, great museums and none of...
Houston: Coolest, Fattest City in Nation
Thanks to Santa Claus and the Pillsbury Dough Boy, we all share the delusion that fat people are jolly. Ever heard of Chris Christie?...
Even More Thoughts on the Olympics
The following thoughts were prompted by watching the U.S. women's soccer team win gold in satisfying fashion. I'll have more on soccer further down,...
Rachel Maddow Refers To FW Weekly In Earthquake Report
MSNBC news anchor Rachel Maddow is about as subtle as an anvil, and she's in true form in this recent report about the growing...
The Gurdwara Attack and Identity Politics
In the wake of the attack Sunday on the Oak Creek, Wisc., gurdwara, the media discourse has largely added insult to injury. Anyone who...
Mass Shootings? Sure, But Did You Know To Run Away?
Could there be a better sign of how accustomed to mass shootings we have become? We no longer view these atrocities as surprising. We...
“Ghostbreakers” Set to Debut
After a series of stops and starts while trying to find a broadcast venue, the paranormal reality show satire Ghostbreakers has finally found a...
More Thoughts on the Olympics
My own first name isn’t exactly common due to its unconventional spelling, so when I see athletes who share my first name at the...