Home Blotch
Return of a Rangers Stranger
Texas Rangers games are banned from my TV, even though I grew up in Arlington and attended countless games through the years. I was...
Lonely at the Top
It ain’t easy being me, a native Pittsburgher surrounded by Cowboys fans, Rangers fans, and Stars fans. My friends here are always razzing me,...
DFW: Second Angriest Drivers in the Country
The angriest and most aggressive, according to a new survey, are in New York City, which means that the angriest, most aggressive drivers really...
Say It Ain’t So David Letterman
It broke my heart to see David Letterman slip into being an anachronism this week after apologizing for remarks made in a monologue about...
Past Doesn’t Dog Nate Newton
Michael Irvin’s new reality TV show Fourth and Long is pretty fascinating stuff. He and other ex-Cowboys such as Bill Bates, Joe Avezzano, and...
S-T Classified Building Update
Kevin Buchanan over at FortWorthology, is reporting that the Star-Telegram classified ad building may be sold to the Fort Worth Club and demolished for...
Stop Sarah Stop
Sarah Palin continued digging her own grave this morning during an interview with Matt Lauer about her feud with David Letterman.
See Water Burn
Film director Josh Fox lives in the Northeast United States and is worried about the influx of natural gas drillers up there. So he...
Tim Love’s Appearance on Bravo’s “Top Chef Masters”
Last night, Tim Love owner/chef of Lonesome Dove Western Bistro and...