Home Blotch
Stage West Announces Winners
Winners of Stage West’s third annual Texas Playwriting Competition were announced today, and the judges couldn’t pick between two scripts – “Binge” by Waco’s...
Beer + Tomato Juice + Clam Juice = Yum
My in-laws live in Georgetown in Sun City, an ever-sprawling retirement community where folks ride around on golf carts and everybody knows everybody else’s...
Whole Lotta Bunny
Good luck snagging a ticket for the upcoming final weekend of Theatre Arlington’s revival of Mary Chase’s sweet n’ strange 1944 comedy ”Harvey”. It’s...
Startlegram Startles Columnist
The Fort Worth Star-Telegram has once again changed its online look.
For once they seemed to have changed something for the better. Usually their consumer...
Bud And Coors Make Me Go Rahr
For about 25 years, either Coors Lights or Bud Lights have been my main thirst quenchers.
It's time to find a new brand.
An article in...
Tipping Over
After enjoying a nice dinner recently at an area restaurant – and a little too much of the creature – I, perhaps possessed by...
Megan Doesn’t Want A Psycho
As much as I hesitate to admit this and ruin any fiber of credibility that I have, yes, I was one of the sad...
Gays “Raid” Bars
No doubt in response to the recent Rainbow Lounge raid, Fort Worth’s GLBT community will be turning the tables by “raiding” certain straight-oriented bars...
No, Nick, No!
North Texas neighbor, juvenile diabetes consciousness-raiser, and jailbait rocker Nick Jonas wore a suit yesterday when he spoke before a National Press Club luncheon...
Graffiti Punks May Get Green Light
A favorite shortcut of mine when traveling from the Stockyards to the Near East Side involves taking some back roads that lead to an...