Home Blotch
Cuzthisis Thrillaaa!
Fort Worth will be part of a worldwide effort to perform the largest simultaneous dance. The song –– and the moves –– will be...
Wendy Davis and Joel Burns to Sling Booze
Senator Wendy Davis and Councilman Joel Burns will be serving the public...
Texas Ballet Theater Protests
Members of North Texas’ professional musicians union plan on protesting Texas Ballet Theater’s performances at Bass Performance Hall on the weekend of October 2nd....
This Just In: World To End Soon
I watched a lot of the History Channel this weekend and was floored by all the shows about Nostradamus, the Mayans, and other ancient...
“King Of The Hill” Will Be Missed
The joy of watching the Dallas Cowboys kick butt in their season opener on Sunday was saddened later that evening when “King of...
Want an NEA Grant? Only if You Voted Obama
In the 1930s, the U.S. government conscripted visual artists across the country to create what amounted to U.S. propaganda: murals of muscular farmers, posters...
Ridglea Theater Finally Sold?
The Westside building that houses the Ridglea Theater may have finally been sold. Ridglea co-owner Richard Van Zandt said, “I’ve heard they’re going to...
Weekender: Fri., Sept. 11, 2009
If you’re not doing anything tomorrow night (Saturday), you really oughta gather up some of your smartest (drinkingest?) pals and hit Fall Gallery Night....
AISD Apologizes For Dissing Barack Obama Speech
Another hour passes; another apology is issued.
This time the groveling comes from Arlington Superintendent Jerry McCullough for his handling of the Barack Obama speech...
Rolling Stone Mag Praises Fort Worth Band
Say what you will about Rolling Stone –– that it’s basically a celebrity rag with a few album reviews in it, that it hasn’t...